TwoMangoes the fresh new approach to South Asian Dating

There’s a new generation of South Asians on the internet, ones who know that looking to meet someone must mean having better options than looking here!

In mid 2009, partially inspired by the need to connect South Asians and partially pressured by our parents to do something useful with our lives, a few of us came together to start theorizing about how to shake up the South Asian dating scene. We had seen countless sites catering to the mainstream market, and the sites, for us, were out-dated, stale and just plain ““.

So throw in a bunch of brown Engineers & Business manics and you get ->! The new fresh approach to meeting and connecting with South Asians online, and by that we mean South Asian Dating done right!

We’re kicking off in the US and Canada, with plans of eventual .  So welcome to our blog the ever expanding tapestry of our unfolding destiny, can you tell some of us are writers too? :)

TwoMangoes is based out of basements offices in Toronto and San Francisco and we’re looking to expand to cool locations, London, Paris, Dubai, Singapore and Sydney – let’s face it, us Desi (Dezee?) people are everywhere!

So here’s to all our lovely relationships and that particularly special one, to come!

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